Net Pay Salary Calculator

The Personal income tax (PIT) as well as tax rates and deductibles are currently regulated by Decree No. 65/2013/ND-CP, Resolution No. 954/2020/UBTVQH14 and related circulars. Our tool takes a gross salary and calculates the net salary based on current tax rates and the following deductible amounts:
- VND 11,000,000 (Eleven million) for the tax payer
- VND 4,400,000 for per dependant of the tax payer
- Social insurance contribution 8%
- Health insurance contribution 1.5%
- Unemployment insurance contribution 1%

Exchange rate 1 USD = VND
Pay for VND
Included UnEmployement Insurance
Reduction based on family circumstances
Number of dependant :
Description (VND)
GROSS Salary
Social insurance (8 %)
Health Insurance (1.5 %)
UnEmployment Insurance (1 %)
For the tax payer
For per person that depends on the tax payer
Assessable Income
Personal income tax
Net salary
(*) GROSS: 0(VND) ≈ 0.00(USD)
(**) NET: 0(VND) ≈ 0.00(USD)